Vampirewitch39's Journal

Vampirewitch39's Journal


Honor: 73,974    [ Give / Take ]


59 entries this month

21:51 Jul 31 2010
Times Read: 1,544

So Birdy and I are spending the day together, keeping each other company.

She drove to my town, we went out and ate at Waffle House, back to my home. I started the housework, she started doing collage paperwork she needed to get done.

Wasn't a house before she could not keep her eyes open and in my bed as I type this, alseep.


Yes- as Joli speaks of- the normal things in life, seeing those about you that make life normal, are priceless.

So much for keeping each other company today. lol

Bet when I start cooking later she will peek out to see what I am up to then.




22:24 Jul 31 2010

Hey it's cool and comfy there so no wonder she conked out :)

23:02 Jul 31 2010

Waffles sound lovely.. I hope you two enjoyed them!

00:33 Aug 01 2010

That's what real friendship is all about...being able to conk out at someone's house...and they let you. lol. I fell asleep once at a friend's house and they thoughtfully put their 3 cats on my face. :P

23:18 Aug 01 2010

It was cool, the couch comfy, the blankie warm and the work boring.......of COURSE I conked out. Grins.

The food was good.....eventually.....when it was finally done enough for me.....on the third try.....lol

Thanks for a good day!!

00:38 Aug 02 2010

Dang you and the whole "No pink" in your meat. lol


Long week in the heat at work ....

13:08 Jul 31 2010
Times Read: 1,194

And yet I am awake at 7: something this morning. *sigh*

And got a cold sore again.

Lovely... really just freaking lovely.

At least it is raining hard enough so I can hear it on the metal roof so...

Time to try and get some more sleep.




20:10 Jul 31 2010

I got a fever blister once! It freaking sucked! It happened over the course of about two hours when I got very sick very fast and it just ... came up. It took almost two weeks to vamoose. I am sorry. They suck.


20:53 Jul 30 2010
Times Read: 1,212

Going to the bank's drive thur- I pick up the cell to call Cat. Only to have her sister who works at the bank come over to start talking. She pointed her finger at me as one of the checks was wrong, me saying to stop pointing her finger at me, was telling her sister she was being mean to me. lol Small town USA.

But then I am at Cat's house, on her computer, typing this as she is off to go pick up her sister from work.

Yeap- small town.

And have to say there is nothing like it.


Dinner out with the gals, then home to bed. The rental is rented so...hello sleeping late in the morning.



20:55 Jul 30 2010

sort of like the Bronx, lol

20:58 Jul 30 2010

Small town is scary. o.o

I swear, every time we go to the store someone knows my boyfriend. Starting to get a little creepy. I like not knowing everyone >:


00:51 Jul 29 2010
Times Read: 1,239

As I lay in bed, ready to close my eyes from a long day, I think of what I need.

Do you remember the TV show called Northern Exposure? How the show would end with the radio DJ talking, putting the final touch to the show. I always loved the idea of that. Having a sexy voice to softly talk me to sleep, playing calming music, and giving me a little piece of advice on life.

That is what I need some…most nights of late.

One such quotes that fit my life of late… but no sexy voice to read it, soft music playing in the background. Just not the same it seems.

Chris Stevens: There's a dark side to each and every human soul. We wish we were Obi-Wan Kenobi, and for the most part we are, but there's a little Darth Vader in all of us. Thing is, this ain't no either-or proposition. We're talking about dialectics, the good and the bad merging into us. You can run but you can't hide. My experience? Face the darkness. Stare it down. Own it. As brother Nietzsche said, being human is a complicated gig. So give that ol' dark night of the soul a hug. Howl the eternal yes!

And now I give into the darkness... of sleep and my dreams.



01:18 Jul 29 2010

I can tape my mule voice to fall asleep to

01:56 Jul 29 2010

That was awesome.....and I was a religious watcher of that show.

12:38 Jul 29 2010

Ooo ooo oooo I vote for PHARA to read us night time quotes!

Wait. None of us would sleep after that. o_O

Yeh. Night time quotes from Phara. That. Works.


19:17 Jul 27 2010
Times Read: 1,262

Well Cat just left the office after showing off her new ride. :) Niiiiice.

I see us going to GA. come the first of the year...if I can afford it. More eating at home for me it seems. But hey- after buying a new SUV she will be sharing the peanut butter. lol

Think we have the rental rented. :) He is to be here Wen with the money, to sign his lease and etc. Older man, single. No pets, no kids. *cross fingers*

Either way I am done with it for the next three days as I am going to be out of town on a large military move, dealing with a Major.

I just really hope the man takes it, and no more showing on the weekends, days, afternoons. The early showings on Sat gets on my nerves fast. :)



19:32 Jul 27 2010

oh yea sugar, peanut butter and macaroni will be my best friend for a long time to come. But I'm tickled pink, I got everything I really needed and more in a vehicle with great gas milage and physical comfort... so Friday night, dinner at my place peanut butter, grahm crackers and I'll even spring for some maple syrup? :)

20:43 Jul 27 2010

good for road trips

12:40 Jul 28 2010

But she does'nt have a name for the new car yet, you have to help her with that, it's important :)

14:37 Jul 28 2010

If u gals go to ga make a side trip to DISNEY WORLD!! :D


02:42 Jul 27 2010
Times Read: 1,283

I have my Bite turned off. So when I get a message from a member asking "I guess if I bite you I will be suspended?"

Well.... what can I say?

I sent back yes.

He did not send me a bite stamp, bother me.


It did make me wonder just how close that suspension list is watched over by Cancer, Images and the Masters.....


And I am kidding..... just joking around. :)



02:57 Jul 27 2010

I used to go through that suspension list weekly. Someone keeps an eye on it, I'm guessing.

03:03 Jul 27 2010

lol I just checked it tonight, all of it, to see if any needed drop.

Got some pages, and time so... all is good.



16:49 Jul 26 2010
Times Read: 1,304

Well that was a waste of time. 10 questions, a few pictures of the building, one from inside...and off he went.

Sure I will be charged $200.00 like last time for the 'consultation"




17:53 Jul 26 2010

What?!! why dang did you get a kiss before he Had ya?

17:57 Jul 26 2010

a quickie


Work and my guys....

15:36 Jul 26 2010
Times Read: 1,317

*wipes off my face*

"Sis told me I need to put some makeup on before the insurance inspector showed up." I say to the two men working today.

"Oh? Is that how it is?"

"Is that how you get out of those speeding tickets?"

"Where is the mini skirt at?"

Laughs... cute.

"Who said it was a man? It might be a woman...reason you two are here today."



More laughs.


If nothing else we try to have fun here.



16:04 Jul 26 2010

HA!!! im sure the insurance inspector would love to inspect your trucks.....;)


17:40 Jul 25 2010
Times Read: 1,348

If you have the Bitch Slap brand pigments- read this please.

Been out of the loop these last few days on my Make Up forums. Late last night...more like early this morning when I could not sleep I pulled the laptop off the nightstand and caught up.

And gosh...what can happen in a few days.

Seems some, not all, but some of the bitch slap pigment is having questions about how safe they are to use on your eyes, skin. As in they are going so far as to say they are nothing but paint chips.

I don't try to understand the chemical breakdown on makeup, I just like to play with it. BUT I do know some brands are not overall concern with what they use.

I have used lipstick that I could not get off with soap, eye shadows that had what felt like glass slivers in them, and blush that broke inside the case before I ever even used it as it was so dry.

Bitch Slap is a company I never really wanted to try just because of it's color combinations was a little to loud for my taste. But I did buy the pancake foundation after watching a video on youtube. I talked about it in my makeup journal- not that impressed with it and knew I would stay away from the brand.

There is a reason I stay with well known and tested brands. Yes- they cost more. But I also did not put flat out paint on my eyes, stain my skin either. I have one face and am damn picky on what I put on it.

Here is the video showing a little of the pigment issues. This is the same lady that video I watched that lead me to buy the foundation. Lesson we all need to learn- DO NOT take people's word on makeup, including mine. Online is a bitch to try and buy makeup from and reason I stay with MAC, Nars, MUFE, etc. I do not buy makeup 1/2 off from ebay either. Or the 'cheap' sets of the brands I love. Not saying there is anything wrong with them...just I don't do it. I see my makeup as a investment into something I love so I spend the money on the pieces I want.

One face- one set of eyes folks

If you use Bitch Slap pigments then do some research on the latest news coming out. Get informed about what you are using on your skin.


Now off to watch movies with Birdy and Cat for the day. :)



17:57 Jul 25 2010

My mother worked at a make up factory in hr. I would working there in the summer. I know one of the ingredients they used in iridesent eye shadows was bug wings.

18:19 Jul 25 2010

Interesting..I know that most red tinted makeups are made from something called "Cochineal" otherwise known as E120 or Red 4......kinda creepy when you think about it....I mean I dont wear red lipstick too often..but thats got me a little bugged out LoL

18:38 Jul 25 2010

Common sense, don't use stuff that burns or makes you cry. Lesson I learned , buy cheap, get cheap/ I always read before I buy something. I have sensitive skin.

22:02 Jul 25 2010

Good to know , by the way which makeup Video ,s do you watch ?

03:45 Jul 26 2010

Keith the Chemist here.

Yep, they used to use insect wings for irredescents, now they mostly use synthetic Mica flakes. Pretty inert and won't hurt you.

And, yes also, carmine red is derived from conchineal bugs.

You really can't get more "organic" than that. Most bugs are prefectly safe to use as cosmetic ingredients and are far more safe than inorganic piments and synthetic organic pigments.


04:03 Jul 25 2010
Times Read: 1,376

Kismet Fun:

Very horny please proceed with caution


Is he going to "poke" me with his online penis? Bend me over his hard drive?

Ohhh baby... mouse me! Mouse ME!


Oh well...that was fun. Now I need a smoke.


** I don't smoke- it just seems to fit the mood is all. Hey, it is online. I can do all kinds of things. ;)



05:55 Jul 25 2010


16:43 Jul 25 2010

LOL,LMAO you are Too funny , What are you Drinking Cause I want some.


16:44 Jul 24 2010
Times Read: 1,437

Just read a journal here and if I was not a Admin.... oh how I miss being able to say what I want some days.

So I will say it here, where no one will make the connection:

Are you sure you did not make a youtube video of late? One with a stupid kid yelling out how she did not care what people said, then make another one with her crying?

Because your journal reads that way.

Oh- but in her youtube she at least could hide just how fucking bad her spelling was.

Make a video- you will seem less stupid. Maybe.

And if you don't want comments or care what other think- make the journal private.

Tell the truth now...you are nothing but a attention seeking troll.

Nothing new here, and it will get really old fast for those reading your rants of "I don care wat u bitches say or thank abut m"

Use care on how you call attention to yourself as...well... you might not like how people see you.



16:47 Jul 24 2010

LOL I made the connection so nerr nerr :P

She sounds so uneducated >.

16:59 Jul 24 2010

"I don care wat u bitches say or thank abut m"

What they do seem to care about is the fact that we don't think anything about them. Or at least I don't.

17:06 Jul 24 2010

I have just written an entry inspired by this very person.

Enough is enough!!

17:07 Jul 24 2010

Oh VW you are so clever! ;)

22:03 Jul 24 2010

I think it's pretty sad that a person can be reduced to writing poorly executed journal entries to receive some form of attention on a website.

However, I also think it's pretty pathetic for people to make comments on said journal entries urging said human to finish herself off.

I think most of those comments were made for shock value and the people who posted them are craving attention just as much as the child who wrote the original journal entries seems to be.


00:33 Jul 23 2010
Times Read: 1,469

I love this video-- How to trick people into thinking you're good looking



00:54 Jul 23 2010

lol man what a mouth on that chick.

00:57 Jul 23 2010


03:09 Jul 23 2010

Hahahaha that was great!

10:32 Jul 23 2010


13:50 Jul 23 2010

You gave me a laugh for the day! lmao

18:53 Jul 24 2010

I stole this off someone else and posted it on another site.... Frigging hysterical.

19:07 Jul 24 2010

This is priceless!!

00:47 Jul 25 2010

haha This is too funny... She even has the eye rolling going along with it... lol

06:39 Jul 25 2010

ROFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!! very funny


19:46 Jul 22 2010
Times Read: 1,498


"i am a male that is wanting t turn into a female and i think like a female"

A really bad spelling one....




20:22 Jul 22 2010

Say what? Lol

20:24 Jul 22 2010

Oh my. I hope her reading is better than his spelling, otherwise, she won't know what kind of tampons or pads to buy. LOL

21:09 Jul 22 2010

Rainbow honey ,I don't think that will be the Problem they will have the problem will be which bathroom to use and if they can read the signs on the doors. aside from that the utter confusion " oh.... which on do I use?"

21:44 Jul 22 2010

LOL so true.

22:14 Jul 22 2010

It's the Justin Bieber influence. :P


17:58 Jul 22 2010
Times Read: 1,513

Suspended again for 30 days.

When I asked why sis tells me she has no idea why.

When I asked the goverment the answer I got was "No clue"


Well as you are the ones doing the suspension...care to check that out?

Two days later: They did. Seems about two months ago we turned down a larger job with a total of three days notice. Wow- you think I might of been a little busy to handle a 4 day move with only that much notice? Got to LOVE the new system, sold as a way to make moving easy for the military member.

So we got suspended for 30 days. See- that is how they play now.

So I sat for 30 days, bills still coming in mind you.

The time was up, we stood back in the online 'line' to try and get another job...when WHOP! suspended again. Leaving me pulled out of the 'online' line and cussing as I lose my place YET again.

Just got the answer- seems the new online system has suspended me again but for the same reason as before. The same shipment. "It is repeating it for what ever reason."


Ok- then cancel it and let me get back in line.

"Oh.. I can't do that. I will have to send it in to teck support. They will have to do that."

The same teck support that we have work order/ questions/help request that are over 8 months old?

Fucked... I am going to the freaking beach for the 30 days. Hellloooo indoor pool and sunrises.


That is if I had the money.


Which I don't. Any why you ask?

Because the Military DP3 system fucking sucks!

But you just keep it going...see how many movers sign up for the system in March next year. See how many are left standing by then- running it the way you are.

Thank god my parents taught me to not buy anything you could not pay for when you got it. AKA- no truck payments, no rent on the buildings, etc. Unlike a lot of movers who are hurting now.

Just..... I can hear my dad's voice telling me to just hold on, give it some time. But how much longer can I? Locals are down because people can't move, business have stop paying to move people. My guys need work, I need paid at some point this year.

Guess we will see what March brings- when the contract is up.



04:24 Jul 23 2010

Damn...That sucks Rat.

I swear, If I was moving I would call you!

18:26 Jul 24 2010

Well you know that I have a moving job for you, when I can afford it. As long as you come with the truck. :)


23:11 Jul 21 2010
Times Read: 1,542

Ok... I have to ask...where the hell is Radu? I have not seen him on in a few days.

And that is...not normal for VR.




02:50 Jul 22 2010

Radu is offline for a few days. No net. Net company is giving him the run-around yet again, the bleeding asses!

17:12 Jul 22 2010

It is indeed so not normal.

18:00 Jul 22 2010

Ahh thanks. :) I worry when he just goes away all of a sudden. lol


18:14 Jul 21 2010
Times Read: 1,553

*cross your fingers* We might have a winner for the rental. Older lady of 67 years, with a daughter who is 45 and on SSI, looked at it yesterday afternoon.

She cleared the credit check and the income, even the landlord gave her a thumbs up.

She said she wanted to get away from the stairs of her apartment, her knees are getting bad. She also wants to make sure we will keep the property up. I said no fear- we always did.

Soooo... I am meeting her at 11:00 am in the morning to have a last walk thru, sign the lease, and take the down payment.

I also got a few things to do that the builder did not get done..just little things.

So cross your fingers this works out....




00:44 Jul 22 2010

She can have it till I get there, k? Soon as I get down there out she goes. :P

02:31 Jul 22 2010

Seems she is not taking it, too small for all her stuff.


Another weekend of showing it seems. This damn thing better get rented before I go ghost hunting on the 7th is all I am going to say.


00:36 Jul 21 2010
Times Read: 1,577

Lindsay Lohan is jailed.

Am I to feel sorry for her?

Well...take a deep breath and wait for that to come from me.

Please- she is getting off easy.



01:07 Jul 21 2010

She may be getting off easy, and yeah she may have broken the law...but I love her. haha.

She's a great actress, and well she may have indulged in drugs and alcohol a few times...but who hasn't? The only differences with her case are well, she's a celebrity, and the general public is being forcefed every single detail of her trial. Personally, I think she's a very likable human being...but then again I'm prone to sympathize with people like that.

01:12 Jul 21 2010

The words "wasted talent" come to mind. Blowing off a court ordered class to go frolic in Paris was not a wise thing. But, fear not, she won't serve the whole 90 days. I'm reckoning two weeks, tops.

01:22 Jul 21 2010

Sorry but two DUI, not going to court order treatments and missing court dates... if she had been anyone else she would of gone to jail months ago, and been treated a lot harsher.

Because she is who she is- only reason she was not in jail before now.

But it boils down to this- she broke the law, she did not do what the judge said, she did not show up to his court... jail is what she should have.

The whine about how young, how this will effect her work... everyday people have the same issues.

04:14 Jul 21 2010

Sadly almost all celebrities get off that easy. And sadly too, those same celebrities keep getting in trouble over and over again. They are all too spoiled with nothing better to do than get drunk and high and show their butts in public - meaning they got to cause some kind of scene screaming "Look at me I am wasted and stupid!"

20:43 Jul 21 2010

Of course she is getting off easy... being the jails are overcrowded she will serve 2 weeks... I really don't think that celebrities should get special treatment. She did the crime so she should have to do the time just like everyone else. Being a celebrity shouldn't give them a get out of jail free card...


18:24 Jul 20 2010
Times Read: 1,598

How many ways do I have to say "I am not interested" before you get it?

Really....next time I am just going to hang the damn phone up in your ear.

*phone sales*



18:30 Jul 20 2010

I always say you have to speak to my mother

19:06 Jul 20 2010

Damn, thought it was gonna be some guy pandering you for sexual favors :P

19:38 Jul 20 2010

dont need to hang up...put phone down still connected and wander off into town for a bit of shopping, some lunch and a stroll home...it works a treat, especially the shopping hehe


14:26 Jul 20 2010
Times Read: 1,620

Well that was a first for me. Customer called and she tells me the police told her to get inside her home and lock the door. And the men are in their truck, told to stay in it as well.


Why? She did not know, wonder if the movers knew. I asked if she could see the truck and she tells me no, maybe the police would not let them sit outside. Did the police say why you had to go in, lock the door, stay inside? No.

So I called the crew leader and get a voice mail. Hmmm...

I start locking the office to go find my guys when he calls me back to see what I wanted. "Well...what are you doing? Where are you at?" "At the min storage loading. Do you know where the customer is at? We got down to the last few pieces and she needs to remove all this glass."

I tell him she called me to ask about them, why they was locked inside. He laughed, saying the dog catcher was out there, along with the police. There was a great dane loose and they was trying to catch the doggy. Seems it jumped the fence of his home.

"I don't know why they told people to get in, other then trying to calm the dog down. He was a friendly dog." Meaning they must of pet it.

Funny- cops told everyone on the street to get in and lock the doors??...my men pet the beast/threat. And go on about their job.


So I called the lady back, told her the matter was handled by the police and she can come out now.

Wonder...how long she would of stayed in there?



14:46 Jul 20 2010

Gee those police are helpful. Telling people to go inside and lock their doors without mentioning the reason and then not informing anyone that the coast is clear.

14:56 Jul 20 2010

Yeah. I was thinking murder on the loose, gas leak or something. But that is London Police, always over acting.

But then... she is not the sharpest tool in the shed either. I myself would of called the police to see what was going on.

15:35 Jul 20 2010

man! you and OB should compare notes , You talk to the same kind of nuts.

16:27 Jul 20 2010

and what are they gonna do when its a seige on your street...? hahaha


13:42 Jul 20 2010
Times Read: 1,625

Actor Wesley Snipes faces up to three years in prison now that a federal judge denied on Friday his appeal of a 2008 conviction for not filing tax returns between 1999 and 2004 -- amounting to about $17 million in owed taxes. The star of the Blade vampire movies, White Men Can't Jump and most recently, Brooklyn's Finest, has been out on bail awaiting the appeal decision, The Los Angeles Times reports.

Damn... Blade in jail? Blood sucking IRS guys.


Wonder if they have that little mark on their hand? The brand of their Vampire master?

Think of the move he could do out of this!!

But then...we all know the goverment for the vampires that they are. So...




13:59 Jul 20 2010

Yup you said it :)


00:42 Jul 20 2010
Times Read: 1,657

AOL News:

Women Hit Their Prime at Age 31

What do Marisa Miller, Kate Hudson and Eve all have in common? According to a new survey reported in the Telegraph, they've all reached their prime. They've hit the big 3-1, the magic number when women are deemed to be at their most attractive.

The survey was carried out for TV shopping channel QVC and polled over 2,000 men and women, 70 percent of whom cited confidence as the main factor in contributing to a woman's attractiveness. (67 percent felt good looks mattered most, while 47 percent equated stylishness with beauty.) The survey noted that the average 31-year-old still has youthful beauty as well as confidence and a better sense of style than her teenage and 20-something counterparts.


Damn... I am 14 years past my prime. I am like...aged meat or something. LOL

And this is freaking nuts.



00:54 Jul 20 2010

I'm right up there with ya. Personally I don't think most women even get their lives sorted out till they hit their 40's. Took me ages to realize that I am just fine the way I am. *hic* Cheers!

01:02 Jul 20 2010

I count in dog years.

01:14 Jul 20 2010

I think we ladies look better in our older years, I have seen some people who look terrible when they are young and they as they get older are beautiful.

01:22 Jul 20 2010

lol its all downhill once you hit your 40's good thing for female viagra lol

02:37 Jul 20 2010

I don't believe it... as I approach 39 I can honestly say I'm in the best shape of my life, I have more than I used to- and at 31 I simply had too much to deal with.

I think it depends on who you are and what your life is like as to when you hit "prime"

02:51 Jul 20 2010

uh oh next thing you know we'll be tossing each other on the grill!


20:06 Jul 19 2010
Times Read: 1,681

Ok... somedays it does not pay to have me answer questions on here.

*Counts to ten*



20:59 Jul 19 2010

Lol then why the platapuss??? I REALLY have to know....


19:05 Jul 19 2010
Times Read: 1,688

I miss Bones...




20:01 Jul 19 2010

Me too. :((

We should form a Missing Bones support group.

20:07 Jul 19 2010

That works for me. lol :)

21:50 Jul 19 2010

Me too :(

05:18 Jul 20 2010

Me too! :(

I miss our conversations...


Sign me up for the support group!

*goes through withdrawals!*


04:16 Jul 19 2010
Times Read: 1,716


I am here for a reason which I do not wish to discuss. If I do not reply to your messages, it will be because I am attending to something far more important. I am a nice guy normally, but this moment in time there is only one thing on my mind.

Doesn't that just make you want to go all Welcome wagon on his ass?




04:31 Jul 19 2010

Hahah. Yes. =)

04:33 Jul 19 2010

Ghee, and just think He came on To VR just to Let all us poor Saps Know that he thinks he,s here on IMPORTANT BUSINESS , WOW aren't we lucky.

06:01 Jul 19 2010

Wonder if he will add me. I would feel so wuved...i

08:33 Jul 19 2010

Hmm sounds like he can't multitask. Answering messages and Internet porn is business as usual lol.


21:38 Jul 18 2010
Times Read: 1,758

Time Spent:

200.00 days




22:00 Jul 18 2010

Wow that is a lot of days.

22:08 Jul 18 2010

You're falling behind :P

22:16 Jul 18 2010

You ... you have no life, mamita. Rat - get thee to a playground!

22:22 Jul 18 2010

wow that's alot

22:50 Jul 18 2010

O.O Jeeze lady! I created my profile 13 days before you, and I just barely cracked 75 days. I agree with Requiem.. time to spend some time with nature. Haha

00:22 Jul 19 2010

No Comment on the number of days I have. lol

02:53 Jul 19 2010

agrees with radu lol got a few days under my belt. lol


00:07 Jul 18 2010
Times Read: 1,792

Today I went to a baby shower for the wife of one of my guys. I told Birdy and Cat about this last night, and how I needed to get the last of the gifts, card, gift bag.

"YOU are going to a baby shower?"

"Where at?"

"At his mother's day care business."

"There is going to be kids?"

"Nah...surely there will be no kids..."

*worry look on my face...kids? Why should there be kids at a baby shower?

"Oh there will be kids."

That is when they both got this smug smile on their faces.

There was kids as the daycare was open.

I spent a hour and a half...thank you very much.


And I had fun. So...double :P



01:20 Jul 18 2010

Wow......and I slept till noon....did we switch bodies ? Was it Freaky Friday yesterday?

02:54 Jul 20 2010

Hey I knew you could do it I just wanted to give you some warning :)


20:23 Jul 16 2010
Times Read: 1,823


Why can't I be on a inland by myself?

For like a year.



20:50 Jul 16 2010

You aren't inland? Are you adrift?

I assume you meant Island. ;P

20:59 Jul 16 2010

lol I did.



(No I am not really, but just wanted to do a :P at him)

21:17 Jul 16 2010

please visit my island anytime ;)

18:45 Jul 17 2010

WOO Ill come with ya but live on a seperate part..:D

02:56 Jul 20 2010

You ain't holing up and leaving me here! *grabs a boat*


13:56 Jul 16 2010
Times Read: 1,831

Anyone else watching these Old Spice spokesman videos? Seems the ball is in his court with a call for a donation to the Gulf animal fund from Alyssa Milano for $100,000.00.

Let's see if the stud will do it. ;)

And if Old Spice wants the free press to keep going.





02:27 Jul 16 2010
Times Read: 1,843

Great song to end the day with. :)




00:56 Jul 16 2010
Times Read: 1,847


Why is the ground hog, that lives in my tree line, on my porch tugging and pulling on the plastic that is holding the bundle of firewood together?

What would a ground hog need plastic for?

And why is he dragging it to the tree line, wood and all?

I swear- if he builds himself a log cabin.... it is ON! Him and that damn wood pecker is out of here.


Wait...can I charge them rent?? O.O



04:55 Jul 17 2010

I have the time, I'm going to think about that for most of the day if I come up with anything I'll get back to ya :)


23:54 Jul 15 2010
Times Read: 1,862

It always amazes me how easy some people can lie to you, standing in front of you, looking you in the face.

How they spread such bullshit to try and get what they want.

Just…. Wow.

Now wonder I don’t trust people.

I really hope the rental is filled soon.



00:01 Jul 16 2010

It is pretty amazing. Some people just don't have a problem with conscience and all... I guess :(


14:52 Jul 15 2010
Times Read: 1,876

Got a call for a estimate Tuesday. He kept adding and adding items to the point where I said it would be best if I came out to the home to make the estimate. He lives in the next town. I told him I would try to call him Wednesday to set up a time, but was on a office move that could take longer then I plan. I would call him when I returned to the office, can set up a time for Wen or Thur. He said that was fine as his wife stays home, she can meet with me anytime.

Next day- off to the ATF office move we went- and spent 9 hours, making 4 stops here and there, last one 90 miles away.

Sister calls my cell around 3:00pm, asking me about the man who is calling, saying I was to call him with a time for a estimate. Told her what I told him and she set up a 9:00 am estimate for in the morning.

I came to work, getting ready to put some makeup on as I follow the trucks out to make the 9:00 am... when sis called to say he cancel the estimate. Seem he was upset and said "If you are so busy that you can't even make a estimate on time- never mind. I have to have these estimates in this morning. Don't bother even showing up."

Well fuck you. How about this...we are busy because we are good? And the other companies may have people who are just sales but I am the only one here who can do estimates now. I go out on the jobs and see that they are done as good as we can, handle problems. The personal touch is not lost here.

Most sales people don't know their belts from their 4 wheeler. They get a doe in headlight look when you ask them what a 6.5 is. Not all of them, but most. It is nothing odd for me to run into one that has never even been moved by a moving company.

Yeah...let them make you a estimate. They may even get it right, not like it is a hard thing to do. Let's see...walk into a house you don't know, open closet and cabinets doors, then answer the questions of---

How many boxes and what size, to pack the whole home?

How much is the weight?

Can get a truck into the drive?

Anything need special care?

At the new home- able to get the truck in?

Explain the vaulation (insurance) and how claims are handle.

How many days needed for the move, to pack, load, drive, unload, unpack at the new home.

And on my own personal ------

How much labor and fuel is this going to cost?

And am I going to make money?

And try to get that as close as you can so the customer will not get screwed over if you mess it up. Nothing like having a estimate for $900 and it ends up being $1,600.

But not a big deal dude. Wish you the best, hope you have a great move. Really I do.




16:11 Jul 15 2010

I,m sorry some sometimes people just don't understand good work experience and busy usually means people will be working a lot. sorry you lost that job.

17:07 Jul 15 2010

Some people are so difficult to deal with. Not everything is around their time.


00:03 Jul 15 2010
Times Read: 1,909

Did something in the last few hours that was new to me on VR... reading some journals of people I do not know and leaving comments.

And I have had a nice chat with one.

I worry about posting comments in some journals here but have to say that was fun. :)

Might have to do it again some night.

But now it is bed for me, been a long day.



00:11 Jul 15 2010

Playing Journal roulette is fun. =)

00:11 Jul 15 2010

When its positive its great, but some.....ugggh.

00:11 Jul 15 2010

I was one of those people, and thank you for the comment. I don't think I have ever commented in your journal before but hello!

00:34 Jul 15 2010

hello! feel free to comment on mine any time! lol


19:15 Jul 13 2010
Times Read: 1,973

Why would you send me a Stamp in a PM? Telling me you, rank and title of Blah blah blah coven has rated me. And ask me to return the favor.


I mean....and it is not the first time you have sent this ugly damn thing to me. How about ASKING me?? Use the fingers to type out..."Hey- care to rerate me?" Just those little words will most likely get you a ten. Not a stamp for fuck sake.


I am so done with today.... and I want a drink.



19:29 Jul 13 2010


19:29 Jul 13 2010

Hahaha... I swear the next time he gets this...

Dramatic Rat Pictures, Images and Photos

Sure- I have not given enough #1 out today. Next time try asking me and not sending this stupid ass stamp.

19:57 Jul 13 2010

*Smiles* wtf? that was good. :) lol

21:50 Jul 13 2010

I meant the next time the member sends me his big stamp asking me to rate him back he is getting the rat one. :)

Rat is my nickname among friends.

01:52 Jul 14 2010

What? You don't appreciate this gesture of friendship? When I come to visit you, Stabb and I are stopping in with a red-hot branding iron that says, "Hi, Vampirewitch. Stabb and Joli hope you enjoy the visit. If you do, please return the favor and visit us in New Orleans."

We will then yank down your knickers and sear that into the first bit of lily white flesh we see. Afterward, we'll talk and see how it goes. If we like you, we may even take you out for sushi or something. If not, you can keep the scar. That's how we roll.

01:58 Jul 14 2010

I want a drink too! and to joli........tell stabb to come to disney world!

02:22 Jul 14 2010

LOL I am not being branded like a cow by anyone. Well... maybe a slap on the butt if you both come. ;) And it will be a steak dinner, my treat. Heck- I will even throw in a southern accent saying "Ya'll come back now, ya hear?" to make that happen. *said of course with a piece of straw in my mouth*

07:44 Jul 14 2010

I LOVE the rat stamp actually!! lol :)


17:29 Jul 13 2010
Times Read: 1,993

*eats lunch and reads the news...trash online*

Wow- Mel Gibson has a mouth on him, doesn't he?

See it has a poll even...

Extra and PopEater want to know: Do you think Mel Gibson's career can survive this scandal?

No 62%

Yes 38%

If he got help, showed he was trying to control the anger, rage...maybe.

If not- No.



17:59 Jul 13 2010

Yeah, I just listened to the recording of his tirade. He's really angry. It doesn't excuse the kinds of things he said, no... but I know people say some really hateful things when they are angry. Honestly- if he didn't care at all about this woman why does he need to tell her how to dress? It would be none of his concern. He's channeled his feelings in the most negative way.

If his career never picked up again though, he's still made some of the best movies ever (subjective, I know). And he definitely has enough money to last him. And also... not so sure his career would end anyway- if Roman Polanski can continue to make successful movies after raping a 13 year old... anything's possible in Hollywood.

18:07 Jul 13 2010

You are right. People have funny ways of forgiving. I read some more and it seems he is on the bottle again. That in it self makes people act in ways they don't otherwise. I do hope he gets the help he needs, that could not be a happy life being that full of hate.

And yes- he made some outstanding movies. :)

18:42 Jul 13 2010

Unfortunately, Mel Bigson seems to believe that he is the help instead of the one who needs it.


16:03 Jul 13 2010
Times Read: 2,002

Must be the freaking day...

Just called a military member two times this morning, and he called me back just now.

"I don't know why I am getting calls from you."


"I am calling about setting up a survey time, date for your household items."

"Ok. Why?"


"You are Major XX, moving from XXX to XXX starting on July 21st?"

"Well...yes and no."


"What part is yes and what part is no?"

This jop was called into me from the Base as they could not get online the great goverment website to send it out- Friday most of the day our phones where fucked up due to the storms, Monday the base was super busy as they work a 4 day work week and closed Friday...so it was late Monday before I got the paperwork to start the pre move items. But the job has been on the books since last Thursday.

"The buyer for my house backed out - I am not moving yet."

--.-- And you did not think to cancel your move for next week???!!

"Did you give the Base notice of this, Sir?"

"Well...no. I did not think they had given out the shipment yet."

"Did you remove or edit the booking on the DP3 website?"

"I did not. Took me half a day to just do what I did."

Welcome to our Hell! But this website is to make it sooo easy for the military family...the great website is a major fuck up. But the base took that extra step and did it the old fashion way...they fucking picked up a phone.

"You need to at least let the Base know you are not moving so they will cancel the order please."

"Sure. I will do that today."


Called the base myself, the man (name Yancy..got to love that name) said he can't even get into the website to print out the Bill of Lading. lol

Sooo much easier.



00:10 Jul 14 2010

Way to go Major!


14:22 Jul 13 2010
Times Read: 2,023

I don't like you. I never have liked you. Why? Because you just too sneaky for me. Like just now.... how is your sister? Oh gosh... Lord that she is alright.... on and on.

And I just felt it- the idea pop into my head... she wants something. Of course this is a woman I am short with, not really one to sit and chat for hours. Why? Because she wants something. Always wants something. You can try to be 'friends' all you want but you want something every time you open your mouth around here.

Sure as shit comes out of a frog's ass you start... "Well the men are here to replace the back door finally." Never mind I had to wait three weeks for you to get a day off that you was willing to stay home so I could get them there...but you just have to get your digs " ... and I wonder if I could have a wooden door?"

Seeing as the metal door is having weather issues from being hit all day with the sun, having to do roof/gutter and some other fixes to try and stop the rotten of the frame.... a wood door? Are you nuts?

"No." "I was just thinking it would be nice to have a wooden door with a screen door. That way I can open it up and have light." "It is the back door that goes down the hallway to the laundry room...how much light do you think you are going to get?" "I was just saying..." "No. A wooden door is too much money."

Then you do the whole...I been a good person, the house is in great shape...blah blah blah. Yes you are- but as I am not putting a $800 dollor wooden door on a back porch that is hit by the sun and weather ALL damn day.

She pouts..."Well... if there is anyway I could have one I would like it."

Sure- buy the fucking house. How about that? I love how she wants this and that....and a little of that but never thinks the rent might go up to cover the cost? She is the kind that you can go in, replace everything, new hard wood floors, new free standing showers, new kitchen design and cabinets- and still expect to pay the $350.00 she is paying now.


What I called the man to get is a metal door and to add the $100.00 screen door to it. He told me she was a number, going on and on how "Kay never gives me anything- her sister is the nice one."

"What? That is a suprise to anyone?" He laughed, said he had no problem with me as I understood what rentals where about, spent more on them then anyone else he ever worked for.

I know she is good to the house, I know she has rented the house for years now.... but still... enough is enough. And it is not even my rental. It is one of the two Mom and Dad had left, I am just paying the repairs on it to keep Mom out of paying them.

Seems I should be able to tell her to kiss my ass at least once.



15:26 Jul 13 2010

What the hell? In my world, you ask permission to do some remodeling and then pay for it yourself. If it isn't necessary to keep the house functioning, the renter needs to pay for it if they want it.

Next time she does that, just push her away using the hand to face technique.

15:45 Jul 13 2010

You are doing the right thing- as you want the house well maintained and doing these things as you go IS cheaper than doing them later.

However my response would be the same as yours- you want that... how does it feel to want? Or as you stated, buy the damn house then do what you want... better yet and my personal favorite: kiss my big fat white hairy ass.

lol ;)

15:45 Jul 13 2010

Sweetie you need to be the person we rent form Our land lady is always getting homemade Bread , cookies, pies, and Brunswick Stew from me just for being nice and we watch the complex for her when she,s not here.

21:14 Jul 13 2010

She's renting a house and only has to pay $350? Damn! I wish! We were in Florida for a bit and were paying $900 for ONE BEDROOM in a house with rude and loud housemates. She's damn lucky.


23:58 Jul 12 2010
Times Read: 2,037

Had fires to put out today- the phones, the security system, the items added to my own home as far as security steps, a customer with a claim, a larger bill that was due today, showing a rental for the first day, phone calls coming in all day....

But it took two calls that stop time for me today.

1- That Cat's sister operation went well.

2- My sister calling me to come to her. She was rear ended by a old full size pick up that could of ended way worst then it did as she was pushed toward a tractor trailer.

Two pople I love very much was watched out for today. And I for one am very grateful for the powers, be it god/ goddess, that helped them today. I give thanks.



00:39 Jul 13 2010

I am thankful for you and your loved ones


13:17 Jul 12 2010
Times Read: 2,061

GRRRRrrrrrrrrrr fuck wads. Over three years and still you can't even get on the website that has the jobs, as in first come first service. Much less try to accept, fill out several forms before you get the info to call the shipper to make a survey, then go back to more forms, and 'Book' the job as yours.

DPS System Update

The DPS system is currently incurring impaired operations.

The issue is ongoing and being reviewed by the DISA System and contractor

Administrators. Users note very slow connections - page load times are

exceeding 3-4 minutes, and they are getting "Connection Timed Out" errors.

The JPMO office appreciates your continued support of the DPS system, and we

regret any inconvenience this may cause you.




06:40 Jul 12 2010
Times Read: 2,072

I wonder if cows swim. You see them, when it is hot, going into the ponds. I start to think about... what if they fall? slip in the muck of the pond? You never see them all the way in- just as far as to cover them half way, maybe a little more.

I know horse swim- but have you ever seen a cow swim? Seems if they slip, lost their footing they would sort of.... float to their side, weight and all being what it is. And how could the other cows help one that fell off his or her hoofs? Sad to think of it.

Never seen a Western movie with swimming cows in it. Or have I?


This is keeping me awake damn it. Well that and thinking I hear things in the house.

Cows tho... do they or do they not swim? Rat needs to know.



07:36 Jul 12 2010

Wow, what a line of thought :P

Yes, some cows actually can swim...but not very good.

08:02 Jul 12 2010

they do swim quite well actually.. just below my parents house is a small island in the bay. in high summer we can watch the herd swimming to the island to get the fresh new grass. ive seen folk rescuing cows in their boats however when the tide comes too high on the island and thats something i would love to get a picture of one day!

13:12 Jul 12 2010

And I have my answer. :) Thanks to you both.

13:24 Jul 12 2010

i just had to ask my dad about this...apparantly, something about their two stomachs makes them fill up with air, and so they can roll over and not upright themselves again and having short legs, well...

so swimming is maybe not so good for cows after all :)

13:31 Jul 12 2010

Remember the movie city slickers? the cows cross the river or something in that movie..


22:21 Jul 11 2010
Times Read: 2,092

For the first time I have meet the 12 hour limit. lol

Maybe I need to just get off here and do a few things other then watch TV, read news online, flip on VR, and painting my nails.

What to do...what to do....






21:37 Jul 11 2010
Times Read: 2,109

I have to remember to not click on the thread in the House forum. Why? It is about a animal that was mistreated. I don't know what or who or even if it lived I just know I don't read those kind of things. Or watch it on TV. I don't even like the ads for the shelter dogs.

Yes- I am a whimp.


But why make myself sad? I just help where I can with aid to them and send out good energy for all the others. And all our pets have been homeless ones we took in.



02:26 Jul 12 2010

Don't feel dad I can't watch those things Either I have a bad habit of feeling there pain myself.

14:32 Jul 13 2010

I really do hate anything like that, I can't watch them either, it makes me so sad, I too had a rescue pet and I pay money monthly to an animal charity but I cant bear to see any videos/programs etc, sticks in my head for far too long.


15:48 Jul 11 2010
Times Read: 2,150

Laying in bed with the laptop on the pillow at my side trying to think what to do today...

I need to work on the fireworks pictures I took last night. Don't know how good they are as I made the mistake of being to close. Loved it in person- on film.... really, who cares? lol I take pictures just to have fun, not to say I have a talent or skill.

I did not take pictures of the July 4th fireworks as Danna was there and did not want to hear the.... "You need to work on the shuttle speed... How are you going to use a tripod in the gravel... what is the ISO on?"

Not that she would of but...well...you have to know her and I was not taking a chance. :)

So when a local Harley Davidson shop had its one year Annv. with a big party with fireworks that where even bigger then the town's I knew I wanted to go try and take some pictures. :)

Birdy, who is on baby sitting duty for a while, came to meet me. We had fun. And being so close it seemed they was right above us. lol So the tripod I had set up did nothing as they were right above us. While I had the 55 lens on- it still did not give me a wide enough image we was that close. It was super cool- and talk about the noise. :)

Then I got ribs for the dutch oven, grill some vegs.

Woke up wanting to watch Buffy for some reason. I miss the humor those shows had.

Ok... I have had my easy morning wake up of not rushing out of bed when I am awoke by the alarm clock so.... time to start the day.




19:48 Jul 10 2010
Times Read: 2,165

Got to love sleeping in till noon. :) Of course it helps when you toss and turn till after 3:00 am to sleep that late.

Then a nice time in the kitchen cooking a great meal for yourself.

Laundry is on, kitchen is clean.

Now it is just resting till the fireworks tonight. :) Wonder if Cat and Birdy wants to go with? hmmm... will call and see.



19:54 Jul 10 2010

You lucky Rat!


05:23 Jul 10 2010
Times Read: 2,176

Day was long. At work before 6:00 am after not sleeping well, rained on all day, dealt with a bitchy customer, and came home to the warehouse alarm system going off every 5 minutes due to the phones being down. Been out for the last two hours it seems. And this was at 1:00 or so. Windstream phone co. shows up with two men, who was not happy about working on the lines. Suck it the fuck up dudes… it is call wire maintains and I pay it every month.

I really did not see why they had such a problem fixing them. Buried wires come up to the box- they split…three lines, the alarm and DSL to the office, two lines to the house, and the other two lines the account/ my name pulls up doesn’t even come into it. After a hour they understood the lay out. But it seems if you throw in the security system- it fucked up all the lines. And their understanding of how it works.

Did not help that the two men did not agree on shit.

So it ended at 5:00 pm, the latest they was working, with a redone line to one of the phone lines, me going to Office Depot in the storm and buying over $350.00 for two new phones to that line. Lighting boomed the line. Guess I was lucky it could have been all the phone, fax. Funny thing is- the alarm never would work. Of course they say they have nothing to do with the alarm, the phone line to it was working fine.

ADT? Will be Monday before they are willing to show up and trying and see what happen to the alarm. So we sit here with no alarm for the buildings. And hope the control panel did not get fried. Sure the system has some kind of protection against that,,,right?

Well…fuck you too Friday.

But that is alright. Hot shower, peach cobbler in the dutch oven, a hot apple cider rum as I layed on the couch and watched a movie... made it better. :)



05:57 Jul 10 2010

Chocolate and hugs help


22:41 Jul 08 2010
Times Read: 2,220

Let me tell you how my day started off. But before that let’s go back to this holiday weekend and how I spent a few hours reading the book A Dark and Bloody Ground. It is a book about three men and their girlfriends who killed an elder couple, a young lady who father they attempted to kill, a 70 year old man. The crimes happen in eastern Kentucky and in areas I traveled into often, can take you to the home two was killed at. Home invasion is a fear of mine, more so since my Aunt was killed in one. She was killed for the same reason the people in the book were- money to buy drugs. Why do I read these kinds of books if it is my fear? I guess my darker side is drawn to it. Why a alien on a space ship killing humans is alright- to really scare the hell out of me it takes a true story like this book that makes me sleep with a eye open, waking up several times from bad dreams. Let’s just say I have been on edge of late.

Yesterday some of the guys were working in the building loading a shipment. They told my sister there was a green old 4 door car parked on the back lot with 4 men in it. My sister drove around after they had left to see what they where doing and they said they were waiting for a friend. She told them to leave the lot and they did. She told me they where “dirty and shifty looking.” They were parked so they were looking at my trailer and she told me to watch myself. I told her to never do that again, to call the police if strangers were on the lot.

So let’s go to this morning. I wake up at 5:20 am to start my day. Having several things to do before I left on a job at 6:00 am I wanted to hit the office a little early to fax a few things, make notes for my sister on a few calls I needed her to make for me during the day. I step out of my shower and did the powder, puff, and stuff woman do and went back to my bedroom, walking to the closet as the clock radio played some tune. That is when I heard a scream.

I stop, thinking it was the radio. So I am putting on my under things and it started. The furniture on my back porch is moved about, more like turned over and raised voices are all over the place. I reach for my jeans, and pulled out my gun from my nightstand. I hear a loud thump against my wall. I open my bedroom door and walk into the kitchen to turn on my motion lights, which are messed up and some of them will not turn off at all unless I turn them on. Before I could do that I hear the front door, the one in my living room, screen door being yanked out, pulled as in someone was trying to open it. Trust me when I say if the person had opened that door, kicked it in I would of shot. I live in Eastern Kentucky, travel a lot into places known for drugs. Ever talked to a cop about how to get away with shooting someone? I have. And we will leave it at that.

I flip the light on and reached for the cell on the kitchen table. That is when I hear a male voice. “XXX(My last name)? Are you in there? It is Randy- I live across the street. Some men tried to break into my house- the police are on the way.” I yelled back someone was trying to break into my front door (he was at my back door). He give out a cuss words, I hear more furniture being shoved around, yelling, running off the porch, then nothing.

So I got dressed, waited a little while, the sun was up so I left the house as I needed to do my work before I left for the job with the crew in 20 minutes. I found my porch furniture turned over, candles and small tables on their sides. I straighten a little, seeing cop cars driving up and down the street. I went to take my trash out and see the neighbor’s son with another teen standing in front of the home. I asked if they caught them and he said his dad ran after them on foot. They went off around my trailer, then across the warehouse back lot and took off across a field. He said there were two men, and the crowbar they had was lying on the driveway, pointing to his own driveway. Wished them the best and went to work.

I drove to the office, thinking I was alone… so I went in with my gun….yes I took my gun to work with me. I bolted the office door behind me as I had to get the work done. My first guy showed up as normal 10 minutes early so I was not alone long. But I did call my sister and woke her up, told her what was going on. The guys where full of questions as three city police and a sheriff car was on the street, on the back lot when they came into work. We left them to it and went to work, stopping at the truck stop to get a scale weight on the truck. I am driving my car and needed fuel. I pulled up to fuel and see a drop of oil at the area of my tank. As I put the hose in I wiped it off my car, having just washed my car Tuesday. It was blood. I looked at my car and it had blood on the door, at the window about the gas tank- look like a palm print, and on the hatch back window and bumper.

My car was parked in the carport/ back porch of my home.

What I understand is they caught one of the men, the other one or two got away. Randy chased the man down, held him till the cops showed.

I will say the only thing I know about my neighbor is he has a side job--- several cars come to his home a day and only stay about 5 minutes kind of side job. While he never bothers anyone on the street, never spoke to me before today, we all know what he is. As he rents the home and several calls to his landlord only get “He pays his rent. Let the cops arrest him if he is.” Attitude we all have to put up with it.

Guess we will wait and see if anything happens out of this. Me? Well… a need a big dog. And my lights worked on so I can leave my motion lights on all the time.



23:23 Jul 08 2010

Oh, wow.. that is horrific! You take care now over there!

23:38 Jul 08 2010

Gee-zus! I'm glad you're all right..you're one ballsy babe! Keep that gun handy.

00:18 Jul 09 2010

OMG - PLEASE stay safe!!

03:52 Jul 09 2010

Jeebus woman! I'm glad you're ok!

04:34 Jul 09 2010

Self defense is legitimate and if they come inside you by golly make sure you put them down for good, don't try this "wounding shit" You don't want them getting well and holding a grudge.

** ps next time call me dammit, I could come sit with you while it calms down**

16:36 Jul 09 2010

Stay safe. I'm really glad you have a gun and hope you don't have to use it.

22:40 Jul 13 2010

I have had to come back here to ask this question as it has been on my mind. Is the part of America you live in really that dangerous that ordinary people have to wear guns? I would think that would make me feel even more insecure.. but, there must be a reason so I kind of figured it must be dangerous where you live?

02:14 Jul 14 2010

Not really Emmy- I mean as far as every day life the place is safe. But you put a drug dealer across the street... it brings the worst trash in the area about. That is why they were breaking into his house, or so he says. Or they was there to rob him of drugs, cash. I mean.... breaking into a home a little before 6:00am? Kind of a strange time when you think people on this street go to work early, like me, most days.

Maybe even a drug deal gone bad.. will never know.

22:15 Jul 14 2010

Ah, drug dealers... that explains it, they are always bad news :(


01:14 Jul 08 2010
Times Read: 2,261

I thank you for your rate.

I am here to return the favor.

Here is what I give you: 7. :)

Rat looks down at the new member, the few line of a profile that she had given a 5 to.

“Well you little bug shit on a snail’s tail. How about you working on your three lines …”

Sensing eyes on her she turns to see Cancer is about. She smiles, reaches down and pets the new member on the top of his head.

“Aren’t you just the cuties little thing. Why… *pinches the cheeks* … you just give me what ever number you want. You need help with anything on the site you just let me know, alright?” A final pat on the head and she turns to smile at Cancer… who goes back to his work.

Rat turns around; steps back on one foot and kicks the member like a football. As he sails thru the air she does a little dance, wiggles her hips a little as she cheers herself softly. “And she sores!”

She walks off to see what else is going on in the playground, whistling to herself.

LOL- oh gods… I am just kidding. I am happy with a 7. :)

But you now see why I am never asked to baby sit. Just saying.



01:25 Jul 08 2010

I'd let you babysit ryan...i'm too soft with the boy, he is my first born son lol

01:29 Jul 08 2010

I am laughing so hard I have tears running down my face. You made my day.

01:35 Jul 08 2010

And she sores? LMAO I love you Rat!

01:41 Jul 08 2010


02:00 Jul 08 2010


if i had kids, you could baby sit anytime lol

04:47 Jul 08 2010

LOL! Drop-kicking a newbie! Not very nice...and bravo, I might add!

09:35 Jul 08 2010

Thank you Rat, for the first smile of my day :)


21:50 Jul 07 2010
Times Read: 2,276

So the remodel is done. Last little things being done outside- new mailbox, gutter work, yard mowed and some trimming done on the shrubs. Got to get the new keys copy made, put them in the bag of spare keys. One day for me to do the final things inside- like check the fire alarms, change air filters, the little things very few man think to do.

I called the repair man in for the washer that would not drain. The man in charge of the remodel just called and it seems the repair man rip the new vinyl they had put down the day before when they was putting the new carpet and vinyl down. Note that he was able to set the washer back in without ripping it. --.--

I had to wait for the washer to get back into its spot so the repair man can have the water, drain. The washer was found with water standing in it, not able to drain. Seems it had a sock in the washer, stuck. Lord knows how long the washer had not worked, but as the lady lived the last 6 months at her soon to be husband place... I never knew about it till we went into the remodel.

The repair man said to fix it and he would pay the repair.

Well that is good of him.....ass hole. After all the money spent to get the place up to par from not having any major work done on it in 12 years that the lady lived there.... it just pissed me off. But my contractor said he would cut out the square, reseam it and I could not tell where the repair was. Kind of pissed him off also as he told the repair guy he could help him move it out to work on it but the guy said he had it. He went back to touching up the baseboard, trim when he heard the guy let out a cuss word only to go and find him standing, looking at the rip.

Oh well... easy enough to fix I guess. And ain't like we have never tore into flooring moving them. Have to understand how it is.

Now the ad is in the paper and I shall start the whole wonderful job of showing, while sis does the credit runs, and weeding out the ones we don't want.

I want a single woman who does not smoke and loves to clean house with a good paying job. And she has no kids.

*cross fingers*



22:14 Jul 07 2010

If I ever move back into the area I want to rent from you guys ;)

23:17 Jul 07 2010

Or if she has kids- they are well behaved ;) One of our best renters was single mom of 3... lived at our place 10+ years and we didn't have to do ANYTHING except paint when she moved out... I miss renters like that.

*crosses fingers you get a great one*

01:33 Jul 08 2010

*waves hand* that would be ME. If I move down there can I get in on some of that good cookin'?

01:42 Jul 08 2010

Aww Shit I guess Im out of renting from you!


13:21 Jul 07 2010
Times Read: 2,305

Poor Bill.

Still waiting to become a vampire.

Shame on those 'real' vampires out there making him wait.




13:27 Jul 07 2010

Bill should hire a lawyer...they're more of a blood sucking leech but still a blood sucker.

14:13 Jul 07 2010

Bless him!!! lol

15:44 Jul 07 2010

He may have a long wait, lol

17:05 Jul 07 2010

poor guy :(

17:09 Jul 07 2010

ROFL........I had a moment there.,....thinking...she has switched sides.....lol....you KNOW what I mean ....poor Bill my butt......lol

19:42 Jul 07 2010

ohmigawd, I read his journal....it is kinda dreepy, imagining him sitting behind closed doors and blacked out windows, wiating for...what? I knoock on the door? A whisper in the night? It borders on the whether it is true or not...

23:40 Jul 07 2010

You always make me chuckle



18:14 Jul 06 2010
Times Read: 2,328


"Two years ago my sister died and i took it bad so i tried to overdose i took alot of meds.that could have killed two cows but i did not die i lived."

I don't know why but that makes me giggle. Not the sister part, Hello??. But the part about the two cows.

Could you not see a Dr., wearing the mask, bending over the two cows strap to a metal exam table, trying to put the tube down their mouths? "Hold still... we have to pump out those pills damn it.."

Then afterwards the Dr. raising his hands to the sky yelling out "They lived!"


Ok ok... maybe it is just me then.




18:34 Jul 06 2010


18:40 Jul 06 2010

Makes me wonder if she was just.. bigger than two cows...

...or maybe she meant it could kill tucows. I don't think an OD would kill tucows...

18:50 Jul 06 2010

LMAO No you're Right it was Very funny , girl you are a laugh a minute .

23:35 Jul 06 2010

It reminded me of Frankenstein and Igor...

I can soo picture it now.. xD

00:06 Jul 07 2010

So, what....he took just enough to get suspended? lol

16:35 Jul 07 2010

Liar, liar, pants on fire.



17:27 Jul 05 2010
Times Read: 2,430

Flipping the TV remote and I land on Syfy station ... and see a huge shark eat a Boeing 747. Jump right out of the ocean and ate it.


Got to love some of these movies.




16:32 Jul 05 2010
Times Read: 2,440

Something is not the way it was...but I think I got who it is now.


Well....guess we will see how this plays out.

Hope it works out, not being seen as you was before.



16:56 Jul 05 2010

some people change


22:14 Jul 03 2010
Times Read: 2,490

Ok- in the last three hours I have done a swift cleaning of the house, shower, cooked- devil eggs, BBQ chops and chicken in the dutch oven on the grill, made a pasta dish, cut up a mellon, pelled and cut up tatters to fry, got hot dogs, burgers for the grill ready, kept the kitchen cleaned as I cooked.. and got a 15 min break before anyone shows up for the cookout that was changed to my house three hours ago.

Gosh.... that was kind of fun.

Birdy is buying a new living room set and they came and picked up the old one this morning, and her spare daybed. In other words she had no seats for us. Reason for the change. That and her kitchen is full of stuff. :)

I have not cooked for a crowd in a long long while.

Going to try and use the grill to cook corn on the cob. Guess we will see how that goes. :) I saw it done on Food Network so.... lol. I am not a cook, I just watch them on TV.

It will be good to see the girls, all together. Been a while.



22:18 Jul 03 2010

Oh boy it sounds really good, see you soon :)

23:13 Jul 03 2010

We want pics :) Have fun

00:33 Jul 04 2010

Send any leftovers right here!

02:36 Jul 04 2010

MMMMMMM Devil Eggs!!! Im Coming To Rat's House!

18:14 Jul 04 2010

It was fun and the food was great. Thanks Rat for taking up the challenge:)


18:41 Jul 02 2010
Times Read: 2,518

Adding having my picture taken by Birra to the list of what I want in life.

And another reason to travel to NY.

Have you seen the pic he did of Otter?




01:32 Jul 03 2010


02:34 Jul 03 2010


I want them both to make me look beautiful- I have a feeling they would be excellent at it. And I didn't really get any good pictures when Scott and I got married....

besides, we need a food road trip...lol

03:29 Jul 03 2010

Ya'll need to come to FLAWDA!! So rat can see her cousin a 4 fingered MOUSE!

18:16 Jul 05 2010

Get your Kentucky butt up here! Otter and I have central air and a place for you to sleep. :)


12:51 Jul 02 2010
Times Read: 2,525

So it is the day- the last work day before a three day weekend. I should be on cloud nine... but for the feeling of my head is about ready to POP.


Plans for this weekend- Dinner out with Birdy as Cat isn't coming out. Going to see part of the Vet Wall on display.

Sat- cook out, fireworks with Birdy at least. Trying to get the Cat to join, we will see.

Sunday or Monday I might go on a drive, take a few pictures of some places I been meaning to go back to.

And a day of rest. :)

Housework, laundry somewhere in there.

That is if I get the energy.

And my head doesn't POP off.



18:38 Jul 02 2010

No head popping now woman :P


01:23 Jul 02 2010
Times Read: 2,546

Watched this on the news. Have to say I really hope it works. Either way the guy who owns it sure is taking a step to try and help.



02:19 Jul 02 2010

i hope it works too. any thing to help clean up the spill, mind ya, its still free flowing as well.

04:30 Jul 02 2010

It's great to see other people step up and do something while the other people just sit on their thumbs. While all the sea creatures and the seafood are being tainted and killed off.


23:09 Jul 01 2010
Times Read: 2,570

I got a question. Using Opera- how do you delete bookmarks? I can delete them if they are in a file, but the ones not in a file?

*scratchs head*

I know this should be simple.

Haha... I should send it as a Help Question, see who kick me in the butt for it.




00:08 Jul 02 2010

Upper left corner of your browser should be a white O on a red background. If you click on that, there is a drop down menu. About the 4th choice down is manage bookmarks. From there you can delete individual ones or entire folders.

00:20 Jul 02 2010

Got it! :) I found the delete button at top, instead of just the files it would pull up. Thanks.

02:20 Jul 02 2010

Sounds like me....lol looking for the most complained way lol


18:38 Jul 01 2010
Times Read: 2,586

Nothing like having your sis call you to say they are reporting on the news of a house fire on a street where your family owns three rentals.


Lucky- it was not one of them. Yeah!



18:53 Jul 01 2010

Glad to hear that!

23:05 Jul 01 2010

It was a house across the street from one of them. And no one was hurt. :)


12:36 Jul 01 2010
Times Read: 2,603

Strange dreams last night. I took a decongestant to try and clear the last of the stuff out of my head and they do that to me. That and I wake up often, tossing and turning.

The three dreams I had in the 7 hours sleep-

One I was being pulled off my bed by unseen hands at my feet, screaming, trying to get a hold on the headboard to stop 'it' from taking me to the bad place.

The second one had a tatter peeler in it. A ten foot tall one that blades would move as a mouth saying it was going to skin me alive.

And the last one was dealing with a deck of cards. At a black covered table, only one light above me. There was someone across from me in another chair but I don't remember who or what it was about. I remember I always turned up the 8's.

Anyway... strange night. But I do feel better even if I don't sound it. :)



13:28 Jul 01 2010

First one sounds like a night terror instead of a regular dream.

18:09 Jul 01 2010

was thundercat after your toes too o.0?

19:13 Jul 01 2010

No wonder they sell them behind the counter now!! I have weird enough dreams without help from that stuff but the tatter peeler scares me most!!!

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